Phoenix Air Aviation Service

Pre-Purchase Evaluations

A pre-purchase inspection/evaluation is essential when buying a private aircraft. It gives you a better understanding of what you are purchasing and flying. It identifies and documents any historical and current issues/repairs, potential problems or concerns, and provides a full assessment of the aircraft.

We have performed hundreds of evaluations and can customize the inspection to suit the aircraft, its intended use, and any specific buyer concerns. We recognize the signs of larger problems and can estimate the amount of work an aircraft may need. As a consultant throughout the process, we can also provide price or negotiation recommendations based on the findings from the initial inspection.

Whether ensuring a smooth aircraft purchase with our comprehensive pre-purchase evaluations or providing top-rate maintenance, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of safety, quality, and customer service.

Continue scrolling for more detailed information, CALL US @ 770-387-2000 X167, and/or CLICK HERE to send us an email.

Documentation Evaluation

Every aircraft should have a paper trail. This will include, maintenance records (logbooks), STC’s, ICA’s, FAA Form 337’s,  FAA  Form 8130’s, AD compliance reports, and etc. These documents tell a story. They provide a complete history of the aircraft. This information is both critical and valuable to the evaluation process. It gives the potential buyer a comprehensive snapshot of the true history and condition of the aircraft. For example, if the aircraft has been involved in any major accidents, repairs and/or modifications, that information will be found in the documentation.

As part of Phoenix Air’s pre-purchase inspection and evaluation process, the potential buyer will get a full historical report from the results of our documentation examination. 

Our documentation survey will include, but is not limited to:

  1. Airframe Logbooks
  2. Engine Logbooks
  3. Propeller Logbooks
  4. Avionics Logbooks
  5. AD Compliance Report
  6. FAA Form 337’s
  7. FAA Form 8130’s
  8. Supplemental Type Certificates (STC’s)
  9. Inspections for Continued Airworthiness (ICA’s)
  10. Airworthiness Directive (AD) Compliance (Have all required AD’s been complied with on this aircraft?)
Aircraft General Condition Evaluation

Our general condition evaluation/inspection will include, but is not limited to:

  • Airframe General Condition Visual Only Examination
  1. Will Remove Needed Inspection Panels Only
  2. Paint/Corrosion
  3. Attachment Points
  4. Control Cables/Pulleys (Cable Tensions are Not Included)
  5. Control Surfaces (Travel Limits are Not Included)
  6. Cockpit Controls
  7. Circuit Breakers/Switches
  8. Instruments/Avionics
  9. Seats/Seatbelts
  10. Ventilation/Heat
  11. External & Internal Lighting
  12. Doors/Windows/Emergency Exits
  13. Tires/Brakes (Will Not Remove Wheels/Tires or Brakes)
  14. Shock Absorbing System/Scissor Links/Shimmy Damper
  15. Retraction System (If Needed)
  16. Gear Attach Points
  17. Fuel Tanks/Lines
  • Powerplant General Condition Visual Only Examination
  1. Compression Check
  2. Engine Compartment
  3. Corrosion
  4. Induction System
  5. Turbocharging System (If Needed)
  6. Exhaust System
  7. Ignition System
  8. Electrical System
  9. Battery
  10. Cooling Baffles
  11. Control Cables
  12. Starter
  13. Vacuum System
  14. Fuel System
  15. Engine Mounts
  • Propeller General Condition Visual Only Examination
  1. Blade Condition
  2. Hub Condition
  3. Governor (If Needed)
  4. Spinner
  5. Deicing (If Needed)